Publishing company “Podillya”

Publishing company “Podillya”

Digital / UI/UX design / Front end/Back end Development / Design and development support / eCommerce / Mobile / Responsive Web Design
Publishing company "Podillya" - the manufacturer of school and office printing.
Publishing company “Podillya” / Brand development / Branding / Design and development support / Digital / eCommerce / Front end/Back end Development / Logo design / Mobile / Mobile apps design / Mobile apps development / Package design / Rebranding / Responsive Web Design / Service design / UI/UX design

The goal

To create a corporate website for publishing house "Podillya" and e-commerce platform with online payments, different shipping gateways, flexible pricing for each user's role, discount system, product review, blogs, etc.


We have created an e-commerce website for the Publishing company "Podillya".

In this project, we integrated many features: flexible discount system, LiqPay - payment system, Nova Poshta API to determine the shipping cost, Google Maps API and more

Desktop Structure

Переосмислення навігації сайту

У серпні, 2019 року ми разом з замовником вирішили змінити концепцію головного меню для десктопу та відмовитись від гамбургер-меню.

Також було проведено аудит теперішнього функціоналу магазину, в результаті чого ми замінили дещо дизайн, спростили фунціонал фільтрів та додали замовлення "В один клік"

Таким чином ми отримали наступні результати:

  • Найбільша кількість користувачів

  • Зменшення показника відмов до 1,71%

  • Збільшення продажів 

Mobile Optimized

Home screen

Home screen

Short story about company

Short story about company

About company: Team, Features, Production, Awards

About company: Team, Features, Production, Awards



Custom Search

Custom Woocommerce Shop Search

Filters by categories and product attributes

Woocommerce ajax filters by categories and product attributes

Shop layout

Flexbox masonry woocommerce shop mobile layout

Product screen

Woocommerce shop / single product / custom mobile layout

Payment & Delivery

Woocommerce Payment Gateway & shipping plugins custom integration


Contacts Printing house Podillya

Google Map API integration

Google Map API integration locator locations places google api
matt-artz-397374-unsplash / Brand development / Branding / Design and development support / Digital / eCommerce / Front end/Back end Development / Logo design / Mobile / Mobile apps design / Mobile apps development / Package design / Rebranding / Responsive Web Design / Service design / UI/UX design
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